Friday, 6 January 2017

Jenkins pipeline + Bitbucket pull request

Bitbucket and Jenkins pull requests

Update: Part 2 Static Analysis and pull requests in bitbucket.

So we are using Bitbucket and Jenkins and moving from GitHub, GitHub and Jenkins have a great integration feature in the pull requests can be setup to build on Jenkins and return the build status to GitHub, this is what we would like to do with Bitbucket.

I found this which details pretty much what we were required to do, thanks goes to Christian Galsterer for doing this in the first place, but I came across several differences and we needed to extend the behaviour to working with pipeline builds as well.

Process Requirements:

1.     User creates a new branch (e.g. feature, bugfix).
2.     After completing his development work and pushing his changes to Bitbucket the user creates a pull request.
3.     In order to approve a pull request we require at least one successful Jenkins build. Thereby we would like to get not only the build result of the code checked in for the pull request but get the build status after the code has been merged with the target branch.
4.     When a pull request is created/updated Jenkins shall be triggered automatically for real continuous integration.
5.     The source of the pull request shall be automatically merged with the target branch.
6.     Set the build description with the pull request ID and a link back to the Bitbucket pull request.
7.     The build result shall be reported back to Bitbucket.
8.     Only if the build was successful and the number of successful builds configured in Bitbucket is reached the pull request can be approved and merged.

This is the basic requirements that we need to satisfy and we had some dependencies.

System requirements


Jenkins (2.19.1)
With the following plugins:
Pre SCM build step (0.3)
Groovy plugin (1.29)
Groovy installed and on the system path.
Git Plugin(3.0.0)
Stash Notifier (1.11.4)
                This requires a username and password for bitbucket to update the pull request.
Pipeline plugin

Starting in Jenkins 2.0 there are some security changes for parameters, and these need to be white listed at the Jenkins Master.

Special startup parameters:
To make the parameters passable from the commit notify to the jobs the parameters need to be added to the start-up parameters of Jenkins this is to do with security changes in Jenkins.
For windows this can be done using the Jenkins.xml in the Jenkins home DIR. These need to be added before the -jar term as parameters after this are ignored.
File: /etc/default/Jenkins
Property: JAVA_ARGS
File: /etc/sysconfig/Jenkins

BitBucket Plugins:


Once installed the plugin needs to be configured for use. First we are going to do a straight commitnotify, they work by taking the GIT repo url and then matching it to a job in Jenkins that isa configured for polling (there does not need to be a poll interval it's just the url that it will match with)

BitBucket Configuration

Pull request notifier in bitbucket is done using the following:
1.       Install the Pull Request Notifier for Bitbucket add-on via the Universal Plugin Manager or manually by downloading from the Atlassian Marketplace.
2.       Administration > Manage Add-ons > Pull Request Notifier > Configure
3.       Select trigger only if there are no conflicts.
4.       Select the following triggers:
a.       OPENED
b.      REOPENED
c.       RESCOPED
5.       Enter Jenkins URL
6.       Choose GET as the HTTP method
7.       Use the following URL:
8.       Save the trigger using save (note the view does not refresh)
The notifier plug in exposes certain MACROS
PULL_REQUEST_TO_SSH_CLONE_URL : this is the url of the GIT repo
PULL_REQUEST_TO_BRANCH: name of the pull request branch destination
PULL_REQUEST_FROM_HASH: SHA1 of the commit to merge into the branch
PULL_REQUEST_URL: Pull request URL in bitbucket
PULL_REQUEST_ID: pull request ID

General Jenkins Configuration

                Git needs to have a username and password in the global configuration so that it can finish some merge requests, this is required if the tip of master is updated and the GIT on the agent cannot fast forward to the tip of the branch to be merged.

Global Security settings:
Change the Markup Formatter to be HTML safe rather than plain text so that this can work.

Stash Notifier Plugin:
Jenkins > Configure System > Stash Notifier
Enter Root URL, Stash user and the stash password

If you use self-signed SSL certs you might need to set ignore SSL for testing, this issue should be solved before deploying live.

Job Specific configuration


Parameterize the build with the following options:


SCM GIT configuration, the GIT url must be accessed by SSH, this is important due to the commit notify is only done if the repository url is the same.
The branch specifier must be of the form: pr
This is so only pull requests are built by this job
Tick the option merge before build use the following options:
Name: origin
Merge: default
FF mode : --ff


Polling must be enabled, no polling period needs to be set. This is due to the way in which the commitnotify has been done within the git plugin.

Pre-build step

“Run build step before SCM” system Groovy script to set the build description:

 def currentBuild = Thread.currentThread().executable  
 def PULL_REQUEST_URL = build.buildVariableResolver.resolve('PULL_REQUEST_URL')  
 def PULL_REQUEST_ID = build.buildVariableResolver.resolve('PULL_REQUEST_ID')  
 def description = "<a href='$PULL_REQUEST_URL'>PR #$PULL_REQUEST_ID</a>"  

Pipeline jobs

Pipeline job needs to be configured slightly differently as commit notify does not operate on these. Instead we use buildwithparameters to trigger the job in Jenkins in any case configuration is detailed below.


For the Pull request trigger the following needs to be configured:
Injection Url:
Injection regexp:
Basic authentication:
username and password
This needs to be a POST action
A header needs to be added:
    Header: Jenkins-Crumb

This trigger will now trigger the job in Jenkins to be built with parameters that are required to merge the pull request in the target repository.
Below is an example of a script to merge the two and the notify stash.


Parameterize the build with the following options:

 stage 'merge'  
 node {  
   def description = "<a href='$PULL_REQUEST_URL'>PR #$PULL_REQUEST_ID</a>"  
   sh 'git config --global "Jenkins"'  
   sh 'git config --global ""'  
    checkout changelog: true, poll: true, scm:  
   [$class: 'GitSCM',  
     branches: [[name: PULL_REQUEST_FROM_HASH ]],  
     doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false,  
     extensions: [[ $class: 'PreBuildMerge',  
             options: [mergeStrategy: 'MergeCommand.Strategy', fastForwardMode: 'NO_FF', mergeRemote: 'origin', mergeTarget: PULL_REQUEST_TO_BRANCH]]],  
             submoduleCfg: [],  
             userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: 'jdengel', url: 'ssh://git@']]]  
    echo 'done'  
  stage 'notify'  
 node {  
   step([$class: 'StashNotifier'])     // Notifies the Stash Instance of an INPROGRESS build  
    try {  
     // Do stuff  
      currentBuild.result = 'SUCCESS'   // Set result of currentBuild !Important!  
   } catch(err) {  
     currentBuild.result = 'FAILED'   // Set result of currentBuild !Important!  
    step([$class: 'StashNotifier'])     // Notifies the Stash Instance of the build result  

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